Clinique de l'Alma Paris7


The date of discharge is determined by your doctor according to your state of health, usually 24 to 48 hours beforehand. The nurse will organise your discharge.

Discharges take place every day. A file containing all the documents you have brought with you (check-ups and operative examinations) will be given to you on your discharge.

The receptionist will be able to book a taxi or other transport vehicle for you if you wish.

It is essential that you complete the administrative formalities at the reception desk on the ground floor. You will be required to pay any costs not covered by social security, including :

  • Ticket modérateur or fixed contribution
  • Daily charge (20 euros per day including the day of discharge)
  • Private room if applicable
  • Meals/accompanying bed if applicable
  • Additional fees for your practitioners (surgeon/gastroenterologist/interventional radiologist and anaesthetist), in accordance with the estimates accepted prior to your operation/examination.

The clinic does not intervene in the amount of the excess fees, which are set with tact and moderation and must comply with conventional agreements.

When is your mutual insurance company involved?

Accommodation costs (co-payment, daily rate, private room, etc.)

On presentation of a hospital bill, part or all of the cost of the stay can be billed directly to your mutual insurance company without any advance payment on your part.

If you are not covered by hospital insurance, you must pay all the costs yourself. Documents will be given to you on discharge so that your health insurance company can reimburse you afterwards (depending on your policy).

Excess fees

These costs must always be paid by you. Depending on your mutual insurance contract, they may be covered in part or in full. Documents will be given to you on discharge so that your health insurance company can reimburse you afterwards (depending on your policy).

Discharge documents

When you are discharged, you will be given the following documents:

- Hospitalisation certificate (valid as a work stoppage for the duration of your stay, to be sent to your employer and/or health insurance company)
- Paid invoices for extra fees charged by practitioners (to be sent to your health insurance company)
- Paid invoices for accommodation costs (to be sent to your health insurance company)
- Billing slip (AMC) summarising all the costs of your stay (to be sent to your health insurance company).

In the event of transfer to another establishment

You have been referred by another establishment and you need to return there: the nursing staff will be responsible for your return.

It is possible that your operation will require convalescent care in a follow-up care or rehabilitation establishment. If this is the case, your doctor will prescribe that you be cared for in an establishment suited to your needs.

When you are discharged, you will be looked after by a team of ambulance drivers. The care team will organise your transfer and forward all your medical and administrative files. You will then be directed to your new establishment, which will take charge of your re-education or follow-up care.


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