Clinique de l'Alma Paris7

The General Data Protection Regulation - RGPD

The European Parliament is strengthening citizens' rights regarding the personal data they are required to disclose: cookies on websites, administrative formalities, subscriptions, etc.

Since 25 May 2018, this regulation has been applicable to all companies offering goods or services to European citizens, regardless of their nationality.

The Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 provides citizens with:

  • A right of access,
  • A right of rectification,
  • A right to erasure,
  • A right to object.

The RGPD adds:

  • A right to limitation of processing,
  • A right to data portability,
  • A right to withdraw consent at any time,
  • A right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

The Almaviva Santé Group is involved in the RGPD compliance process. Our teams are aware of your rights and our obligations with regard to the collection of personal data, its purposes and the legal time limits for its retention.

The clinics set up their personal data processing registers, carry out their impact analyses and ensure that our subcontractors comply with the RGPD. Two DPOs have been appointed. The Data Protection Officer is responsible for ensuring that the RGPD is properly applied and that personal data is secure.

In order to keep you as well informed as possible, and to enable you to exercise your rights with the Almaviva Santé Group, you can contact our Data Protection Officers (DPO) via:


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