Founded in 1931
120 employees
75 independent doctors
4 rooms for the surgical unit and 4 rooms for the endoscopy and interventional unit
53 conventional hospital beds, including 6 continuous monitoring beds
25 outpatient places
20 haemodialysis stations in heavy centres
14 off-centre dialysis stations (self-dialysis and medical dialysis units)
1 imaging platform with 1 scanner, 1 MRI and 1 ultrasound scanner
1 Da Vinci surgical robot
12,500 patients a year, 50% of whom are treated on an outpatient basis
140 patients undergoing regular dialysis treatment
To make an appointment online, it's quick and easy
click on the link below and let us guide you.
Tél : 01 45 56 56 00
166 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris