Clinique de l'Alma Paris7



The Pain Management Committee (CLUD) is a centre for reflection and proposals, working in effective and permanent collaboration with the management of the establishment and the CME, as well as with the clinical departments, the pharmacy and the administrative and technical departments.

Pain assessment and treatment are an integral part of the Clinique de l'Alma's establishment project.

The clinic has :

  • a CLUD
  • Pain protocols.

If you or someone close to you is suffering from pain while you are in hospital, you can talk to the nursing team and the doctor treating you. To help us better adapt your treatment, you can tell us "how much it hurts" by rating your pain from 0 to 10.

Our aims :

  • Prevent: pain caused by certain treatments or examinations: injections, dressings, catheterisation, etc. Pain sometimes associated with everyday activities such as bathing or simply moving around, etc.
  • Treat and relieve: acute post-operative pain is treated by the nursing team for systematic analgesic treatments and on request depending on the pain of each patient.

Our resources:

  • Measuring pain is essential for any treatment. Several pain assessment scales are used, depending on the patient.
  • The second tool is communication. If you have any questions, please ask the department manager.
  • The third tool is analgesics, which are used according to the degree of pain.


The CLIN is an official body whose primary role is to prevent nosocomial infections. Chaired by one of the clinic's doctors, the committee is made up of various volunteer professionals who contribute their skills and expertise in the field of hygiene.
The CLIN has set up an Operational Hygiene Team (EOH), which carries out the tasks set out at plenary meetings. At the end of the year, the CLIN draws up a report on the actions it has taken and sets out plans for the following year, with a view to improving your safety. Each year, the CLIN submits an activity report to the supervisory authorities and to the Paris-Nord C.CLIN.


The fight against nosocomial infections is governed by law 2009-879.
EOH training complies with Article R6111-2 of the Public Health Code.


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Clinique de l'Alma Paris7

166 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

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Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.